Firm Files Suit for Critically Acclaimed Hip Hop Artist Madlib
Firm attorney David Given filed a complaint for world-renowned music producer and recording artist Otis Jackson Jr., professionally known as Madlib.
Firm partner publishes article on Supreme Court decision involving copyright infringement damages
David Given published an article in the Daily Journal discussing the implications of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision on the "discovery rule" in copyright infringement suits.
Firm lawyer publishes article on intersection of copyright termination, royalty rights in Daily Journal
Kyle O’Malley discusses a recent trend among federal courts grappling with intersection of royalty rights and copyright termination rights.
Trial Begins Against Supertramp Co-Founder Roger Hodgson
Firm attorneys commence trial on behalf of former members of the band Supertramp.
Analysis: Is All Fair in Pop Art and Celebrity Photography? U.S. Supreme Court Set to Rule on Fair Use Doctrine Amidst Technological Sea Change in Art and Creativity
Firm partner Brian Conlon comments on the anticipated Supreme Court decision in Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith.
Conférence Los Angeles Accueil - Introduction à la propriété Intellectuelle aux Etats-Unis
Notre collaboratrice, Nina C. Pouget, a donné une conférence en français sur le thème de la propriété intellectuelle aux Etats-Unis et les principales différences avec le système français en la matière.
Los Angeles Accueil Conference – An Introduction to Intellectual Property in the United States
Firm attorney, Nina C. Pouget, presented in French on the topic of Intellectual Property in the U.S. and the main differences with the French IP system.
Partner provides litigation update on NFT cases to industry group
Managing partner and experienced intellectual property and entertainment lawyer, David Given, presented a litigation update on cases involving NFTs at the 44th Annual Conference of the ABA Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries.
Firm will defend Kris Kristofferson in copyright dispute
Mr. Kristofferson retained the firm to defend him against copyright infringement claims made by a photographer who alleges that the client used a photograph he took of him without permission.
Music industry legend Dell Furano passes away
It is with great sadness that the firm learned that music industry executive Dell Furano passed away. Dell was a friend and loyal client of the firm going back to the Bill Graham days.
Firm files suit for members of SUPERTRAMP in royalty row
Firm partner David Given and associate Robert Carroll today filed a complaint in the Los Angeles County Superior Court for three members of the legendary progressive-rock act SUPERTRAMP over song royalties they say they are owed by the band’s two songwriters.
X-Men composer dismissed from song infringement lawsuit
Federal district court judge Gregory H. Woods today granted a motion to dismiss firm client Ron Wasserman from a copyright infringement suit pending in New York federal court.
Firm launches copyright infringement action over iconic Bay Area hip hop anthem
Firm partner Nick Carlin and associate Kyle O’Malley today filed a copyright infringement lawsuit on behalf of client and Bay Area hip hop producer Darrell Jackson.
Firm prevails upon Copyright Office to register Dead Kennedys logo
A three-person panel of the U.S. Copyright Office Review Board today sided with firm client DEAD KENNEDYS.
Firm launches copyright/trademark case on behalf of DEAD KENNEDYS
Firm closes “Spirit in the Sky” sale
Partner David Given and of counsel attorney Elliot Cahn have completed their representation of Trans/Tone Productions and Great Honesty Music in the sale of the master recording of and song copyright.