Firm helps conclude acquisition of Dr. Maya Angelou’s personal papers by New York Public Library
Firm attorneys concluded their representation of the Dr. Maya Angelou Foundation in the acquisition of her remaining personal papers and other materials by the New York Public Library.
Paralegal talks Guide Dogs for the Blind on CBS
Conférence Los Angeles Accueil - Introduction à la propriété Intellectuelle aux Etats-Unis
Notre collaboratrice, Nina C. Pouget, a donné une conférence en français sur le thème de la propriété intellectuelle aux Etats-Unis et les principales différences avec le système français en la matière.
Los Angeles Accueil Conference – An Introduction to Intellectual Property in the United States
Firm attorney, Nina C. Pouget, presented in French on the topic of Intellectual Property in the U.S. and the main differences with the French IP system.
Firm lawyer to become licensed to practice in France
Firm lawyer, Nina Pouget, has passed the Article 100 examination, the French equivalent of the bar exam for attorneys outside of the EU to practice law in France.
Firm adds to partnership, associate attorney ranks
The firm today announced the ascension of senior associate Brian S. Conlon to partner and the addition of associate attorney Nina C. Pouget to the firm’s staff.